Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Have had no time to update because of school.
So - Some advice. Stay away from the Art Institutes. I feel like I've been wasting time and money in exchange for a whole lot of bullshit.


Monday, January 11, 2010


Who Are You Protecting? by *behindinfinity on deviantART

It never fails to amaze me how much money people spend on doing Cosplay.
Cosplay, for those who don't know, is "Costume Play", where people dress up as characters (originally just from Anime) from cartoons, television shows, and movies.
A little better explaination from wikipedia:

"The term cosplay represents a contraction of the English words costume play. The term was coined by Nov Takahashi of the Japanese studio Studio Hard while attending the 1984 Los Angeles Science Fiction Worldcon. He was impressed by the hall and the costumed fans and reported on both in Japanese science fiction magazines. The coinage reflects a common Japanese method of abbreviation in which the first two moras of a pair of words are used to form an independent compound. Costume becomes kosu (コス), and play becomes pure (プレ)."

As a Trekkie (or if you prefer, Trekker), it has never been anything that I'm against. But people will spend incredible amounts of time and money for a perfect cosplay outfit.

behindinfinity from DeviantArt is one of the best to see really good examples of cosplay. I've only seen a few episodes of Bleached, one of the shows that is shown in their gallery. There's quite a few amazing photos done. Check it out.


Well, I've gone back to my school to finish it up.
So far, all is well. I got in before the masses to get my schedule, to find out it didn't differ from the one they sent me in the mail, so I have time to do .. something.. before my ten o'clock class.
And then that class goes till 12, and then my next class of the day goes from 1 till 4. Full day, woo.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Photo Post




Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dan Deacon

So I was going to go to bed, but while I was copy/pasteing songs/albums people suggested to me in my little document of DOOM, holidaylights from LiveJournal had suggested Dan Deacon's album Bromst. I looked on youtube and clicked on Snookered.
I have to say, if the rest of the album is like this song, or similar, its so up my ally. I'm loving the beat, and its making me feel holiday ish without the holiday pukage, I feel like I'm taking a road trip or I'm at the beach. This is .. just lovely.

LISTEN. And I should go off to bed because its a little after 1am now.

Vampire Weekend - Bruce Springsteen

Rather strange, I'm not sure what they're really all about, but here's their Myspace. The song's cute, and I am so liking that music video.

Bruce Springsteen. I think this one might be the most well known: Born In the USA.
I Seriously tried to listen to the whole song.
It didn't happen.
But I like this one:

Mostly because of how the audience is reacting. Thats one of the things I like about live performances. And I normally do not like live performances. If I got to see them in person, maybe, but I've never been to a concert. Well, there was the David Bowie one, but I was still gestating in my mothers womb.

Alright, I like Waiting on a Sunny day.