Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dan Deacon

So I was going to go to bed, but while I was copy/pasteing songs/albums people suggested to me in my little document of DOOM, holidaylights from LiveJournal had suggested Dan Deacon's album Bromst. I looked on youtube and clicked on Snookered.
I have to say, if the rest of the album is like this song, or similar, its so up my ally. I'm loving the beat, and its making me feel holiday ish without the holiday pukage, I feel like I'm taking a road trip or I'm at the beach. This is .. just lovely.

LISTEN. And I should go off to bed because its a little after 1am now.

Vampire Weekend - Bruce Springsteen

Rather strange, I'm not sure what they're really all about, but here's their Myspace. The song's cute, and I am so liking that music video.

Bruce Springsteen. I think this one might be the most well known: Born In the USA.
I Seriously tried to listen to the whole song.
It didn't happen.
But I like this one:

Mostly because of how the audience is reacting. Thats one of the things I like about live performances. And I normally do not like live performances. If I got to see them in person, maybe, but I've never been to a concert. Well, there was the David Bowie one, but I was still gestating in my mothers womb.

Alright, I like Waiting on a Sunny day.

de la soul

Definitly not a style(genre?) that I would normally go for. De La Soul is an American hip hop group from New York. They're kinda jazzy, rappy, Obviously hip hop and have a judicious use of sampling in their songs.
tiimshel from LJ suggested the following songs, and the order they're in is the order I've listened to them-

This is such a relaxing song.

I'm suddenly flashing back to early childhood...

I really like this one. I just do.

All in all, I would probably listen to them when doing school work, or just chillin. I'm more in the having a passing like about them, but they are pretty fabulous.

link to wiki and their myspace page:



A Love Like Pi

I'm being a bit lazy with this one, I'm not finding much about them quite yet, but I'm loving them. Though I can see people not liking them, the singer seems to be sorta shouting, but I'm still liking them SO MUCH. The one guy, Leif- his dad is pastorlenny on livejournal and he pointed me at them. SO PHAB.


james taylor and susan boyle

These are two people and songs that my mom suggested I listen to. She was saying there was interesting back story to both songs. So I'm not sure if they're backstory's to her, at least for the James Taylor song, or something else. OH WELL, ON TO LISTENING TO THEM.

James Taylor first. Alright Wikipedia says : James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist born in Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in Carrboro, North Carolina.[1] He currently owns a home in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. A five time Grammy Award winner, Taylor was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in 2000.*1

This is such an amazing song. All I heard was the first strains of the song and I was hooked to it. Listen and you might feel the same.
In a BBC interview he said the song chronicled his experiences in mental institutions and the suicide of a friend. The fire in the song refers to shock therapy (which Taylor said he experienced during a stay in a mental institution), and rain is the cold showers that follow shock therapy.*2

Alright. The next song mom wanted me to listen to was Susan Boyle's cover of Wild Horses.*3 The first time I ever heard the song was on the Buffy The Vampire Slayer soundtrack, done by The Sundays.

Now while I like their version, Susan's version is hauntingly beautiful.
Boyle explained to Christian Today why she decided to cover the song: "How could you help but be drawn in by this haunting theme? It conjures up memories of childhood amongst Council Estates, poverty and struggle in the first verse. Irony and bitterness – One of my personal favourites and an emotional release."*4

Just listen to it. She's got such amazing talent.

And who can forget her first appearance???

I love the looks on people's faces when she starts singing. I was thinking it was like a "HA HA YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT HUH?" What a delight.

link 1

link 2
link 3
link 4


Okay, a suggestion from S, and I looked them up on YouTube before checking out Wikipedia.
And then went WTF???? And then I laughed.

Alestorm is a pirate rock band. It's unique to say.

This was the first song I listened to - the first thing after "Wtf?" I thought was... my friend J would like this. I feel like I ought to be drinking rum or something along with this music. Very much a fun times music.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday music

Alright. Do we really need five hundred versions of that "Santa Baby" song?
Because every time I hear a version of it it gets more and more annoying.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

John Barrowman...

sometimes makes me wish I were a gay man.

He's an amazing singer. I'd go into a particular song - though he's done a lot of theater. So most of the Broadway classics, you name it, he's probably sung it. I don't believe I had heard of him before he was in Doctor Who, and then he was in Torchwood.

Hmm, I have nothing more to say. Well, I was going to stop after the "gay man" part, but thought I should have a little more. So this is only slightly Off Topic.

Totally Off Main Topic

My friend JB and I were hanging out one night at her place, and it suddenly occured to us as we were talking; What would we put in an emergency kit? What would be the items we absolutly needed, if there was an emergency and all we had time was to throw some clothes in a bag, and to grab the kit?
Well, this is our list, some things on it I would not have, some things she wouldn't - and its a rather long list, so sorry for the wall of text.

JB and Rage's Awesome E-Kit List

1. Excedrin
2. misc water bottle drink mix packs
3. Matches/lighter
4. Plastic Bag
5. Condoms
6. Pen/sticky notes
7. granola bar/gum/mints
8. lotion/shampoo/conditioner/hairspray (all in travel bottles so as to have preferred products)
9. Wisps
10. Bobby pins/hair band/small comb
11. Spray neosporin
12. Qtips,Wet wipes, baby wipes
13. Small Utility Knife
14. Purse pack cigs
15. Disposable Razor, Tweezers
16. Thread and needle
16a. Utility Knife
17. Perfume of some sort (or fabrezze travel stuff, or a sample perfume from one of the perfume counters at the mall and other places)
18. Tide pen, or other brand
19. Purelle hand sanitizer
20. Tampon/pantyliner
21. Tissues
22. Head On
23. Ziploc baggies, or other tiny resealable bag
24. plastic gloves
25. sandwich size lock n lock
26. extra memory card, thumbdrive, phone charger, AA batteries.
27. LED Flashlight
28. Rope
29. Small bottle
30. Candles (small candle or pack of birthday candles)
31. Phone/camera charger
32. Head bandanna/handkerchief

What isn't on the list that you would need?


Deadmau5's song "Ghosts N Stuff (feat. Rob Swire)"

A friend had introduced me to Deadmau5, and I am ever so grateful.

Lordy, where do I start? This is the second incarnation of the song, the first having no vocals whatsoever. That's fine, I like stuff without vocals, but sometimes I just want something to sing along with in the car, or where ever.
There's a music video for this version even, I like the look of it.

This is definitely one song I could not get bored of. It makes me wish I could dance even. Well, I suppose I can dance now, if jerking around like an epileptic duck is called dancing.
My most favorite part of the song starts at 2:10 in the music video. Uber leet.

I blame my significant other for that last term.

Lily Allen

Lily actually inspired all of this. Well, Lily on The Friday Night Project, which I believe is called the Sunday Night Project. I've been listening to her album "It's not me, It's You" and there are a bunch of songs on there that I can point off the bat that I LOVE THEM.

Firstly, her song "Kabul Shit"- the start of the song caught me, it sounds techno-y and as she starts singing everything starts building up towards the chorus so beautifully. You can listen to it HERE.

I don't have the answers
I don't know where we start
Start to pick up all the pieces
Of everything we've torn apart
Now, you'd think that we'd be grateful
For the fact we've got a choice
Instead we throw it back at people
Who don't even have a voice

And the teachers always told us
Told us we should love thy neighbor
And my mother always told me
Told me I should vote new labor
But I don't know who to trust
And I just find it all confusing
All as useless as each other
Past the point of being amusing

I've not really read into the lyrics hard yet- but glossing over it, its about politics, and people going on about how we need to go green and shit, and how all that shit can be confusing. Its like, I want to care about this shit, but I'm confused as fucking hell.

What do you get from the song? I'll talk about other songs from this particular album later.

Hello is this an intro post?

Run on sentence AHOY:
So I decided since my mom was bothering about me writing, and I really didn't want to, but I was listening to some music that I looove and was thinking of what caught my attention to the song and all, and though I could probably write about that kind of shit.

Also note my disclaimer at the top of my blog. Read it, weep, gnash your teeth, pray at me, but whatever.